Usually here at Commoner AI, we write about important topics that will alter the course of human history, like the top memes of the week, which AI overlord poses the biggest threat to human civilization, and why we should put the toilet seat down. But sometimes we like to have a little fun and talk about things that aren’t as important, like why fear is the root of all suffering.
Fear of other people causes hatred for ideas that aren’t like our own.
Fear of death causes us to be paralyzed by our thoughts and emotions, or act in extreme ways to avoid the thought of no longer living.
Fear of the lack of money causes us to chase security rather than live our dreams and passions. You either take risks or you’ll be living for someone who does. Yet at the same time, a balance exists between our passions and reality. More often than not, however, we avoid what we need to succeed due to fear.
Life is a reflection of our beliefs. If all you do is think fearfully, living in insecurity, and keep wondering to yourself why you are a steaming pile of doo-doo, don’t be surprised if that is what you see in the mirror. If you have the option between a negative thought and a positive one – why not choose the positive one and act responsibly?
Fear exists for a reason, however. Fear means that there are negative consequences to your actions. How can you accomplish what you want in life without having the greatest motivator of all – fear? Suffering is unavoidable, but at least you can choose what type of suffering you will undertake. We are all scared of something, but at least you can choose how you respond to your fears and how you will conquer them.
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